
Xiaomi приняла участие во втором ежегодном технологическом саммите Snapdragon

Leading global technology company Xiaomi graced Qualcomm Technologies’ second annual Snapdragon Technology Summit this year, with Founder, Chairman and CEO Lei Jun taking the stage to highlight the company’s close relationship with Qualcomm Technologies in the premium tier, and announcing that Xiaomi’s next flagship smartphone will be powered by the Qualcomm® Snapdragon™ 845 Mobile Platform.

Mr. Lei said: “Xiaomi is committed to making devices that combine cutting-edge innovations in technology and beautiful design, while defying price expectations. Xiaomi is dedicated to bringing the best the industry has to offer to Mi fans, who expect no less from us, and this is why we have chosen the Snapdragon 845 mobile platform to power our next flagship smartphone.”

“Qualcomm Technologies is Xiaomi’s most important collaborator. Qualcomm Technologies has demonstrated its unwavering support to Xiaomi at every stage of our journey, from the start when we launched Mi 1 with Snapdragon S3, all the way till recently when we officially entered Spain. We look forward to continuing our collaboration with Qualcomm Technologies and taking it to a new level with the powerful Snapdragon 845 mobile platform.”

Cristiano Amon, Executive Vice President, Qualcomm Technologies, Inc. and President, Qualcomm CDMA Technologies, said: “Xiaomi is a truly innovative company that has demonstrated its commitment to delivering the best user experience on its devices, which extends to working with Qualcomm Technologies in 2018 with the Snapdragon 845 mobile platform. By making high quality products available at accessible prices, Xiaomi has transformed the smartphone industry and contributed greatly to the smartphone revolution around the world.”

This year’s Snapdragon Technology Summit featured an inside look at the latest innovations built into Snapdragon mobile platforms, along with demonstrations that exhibit upcoming technologies and advancements that are set to continue shaping the way consumers use mobile devices, Always Connected PCs and other future technologies.

Xiaomi is seeking to tap on the Artificial Intelligence (AI) capabilities built in Snapdragon 845, with its next-generation flagship smartphone promising to deliver an extraordinary experience with AI. Xiaomi has already achieved significant breakthroughs in core artificial intelligence technologies and products, while Qualcomm Technologies has been investing in optimizing the Snapdragon mobile platform to accelerate myriad AI use cases in the areas of wireless connectivity, power management, and photography.